25 Ways to Relieve Stress Now
  1. Shake it out (yes shake your body)

  2. Meditate

  3. Practice Yoga

  4. Use relaxation techniques (or biofeedback)

  5. Breath deep or practice breathing exercises

  6. Move your body or dance

  7. Take a walk

  8. Take a shower (or bath)

  9. Smile

  10. Get/Give a hug

  11. Call a friend

  12. Make love

  13. Write a note to someone

  14. Exercise

  15. Laugh

  16. Journal

  17. Drink a cup of tea

  18. Listen to music

  19. Read

  20. Play with a pet

  21. Use aromatherapy (lavender is a popular choice)

  22. Pot or plant a plant

  23. Progressive muscle relaxation

  24. Sleep

  25. Pray